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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Download Buku Ilusi Negara Islam

Buku Ilusi Negara Islam yang dilucurkan oleh NU dan Muhammadiyah atau tepatnya The Wahid Institute atau LibForAll Fundation.

Belum lama beredar buku yang dicetak setebal 321 halaman tersebut, sudah menjadi pelemik dan muncul berbagai kritik tapi ada juga pihak yang memuji.

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Ilusi Negara Islam. Ekspansi Gerakan Islam Transnasional di Indonesia.
by KH.Abdurrahman Wahid (editor). 321 p.

LCCN: 2009326506

Ilusi Negara Islam. Ekspansi Gerakan Islam Transnasional di Indonesia by KH Abdulrrahman Wahid (editor). 321 p.

The author writes that transnational movements in Indonesia consists of groups inside and outside the government. The author believes the movement includes Islamic identification with the ideology of Wahabi Ikhwanul Muslimin that appeals to the common Islamic people. He believes this movement creeps in the life of nation, especially inside the Islamic society groups, the education institutions and government with the argumentation of defending and struggling for Islam.

He says to counter this movement, PP Muhammadiyah published SKKP no 149/Kep/I.0/2006 against infiltration of a political parties such as PKS. Nahdlatul Ulama also issues a fatwa that Khilafat Islamiyah suggesting that it does not have theological validity from al-Quran and Hadits. PBNU reminds that the transnational ideology has potential to break the Indonesian creating tension between the moderates and the movement as enmity manifestation of al-nafs al-muthmainnah. The limited knowledge makes this passion difficult to differ between washilah (jalan) and ghayah (tujuan).
This book is a result of more than 2 years doing research on an agenda of transnational movement in Indonesia and offers recommendations for peaceful solutions.

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