Lowongan Kerja Kaltim Samarinda - Balikpapan


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Systems administrators among Indonesia's most wanted

Systems administrators are among the most sought-after IT workers in Indonesia.

According to the ZDNet Asia IT Salary Benchmark Survey 2008, those with systems administration skills pulled the highest average salary, at 78,606,878 rupiah (US$8,332) per annum, compared to the other skill sets listed as the top five most popular IT skills. Systems administration skills were also the least common within the top five list, with 34.8 percent of respondents owning this expertise.

The survey polled a total of 3,267 respondents from Indonesia.

The most common skill was application development, at 53.6 percent, followed by desktops and software at 40 percent, servers and networking at 37.2 percent, and database management at 36.6 percent.

In comparison, last year's survey reflected a high demand for networking skills, which dropped to third place this year.

Similar to last year's survey findings, the Cisco Systems Certified Network Associate (CCNA) was again the professional certification most commonly possessed by Indonesian respondents this year, with 32.5 percent of respondents holding it. This was followed by the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification at 18.3 percent.

The survey also found a significant gap between the incomes of IT managers and those in other job functions. IT managers had an average income of 137,312,025 rupiah (US$14,555) per annum--almost twice the overall average annual salary of 69,714,408 rupiah (US$7,389).

IT professionals in the legal and finance sectors were paid the highest average annual salaries at 80,849,908 rupiah (US$8,570), followed by manufacturing and services at 77,893,428 rupiah (US$8,256).

Andrew Peters, a spokesperson for job search engine Recruit.net, told ZDNet Asia in an e-mail interview that salaries in Indonesia have gone up by 10 percent to 12 percent, in line with the country's growing inflation at around 6.8 percent. Recruit.net sees the strongest salary growth from the telecommunications and banking sectors, said Peters.

According to ZDNet Asia's survey, IT professionals in government, education and health sectors have the lowest average annual salary of 51,612,309 rupiah (US$5,470).

Furthermore, the survey found those working in large enterprises (with over 1,000 employee) had higher average annual salaries than those in SMBs (small to midsize businesses), earning 100,945,095 rupiah (US$10,700) per annum. Employees from companies with between 100 and 999 employee, earned 69,593,702 rupiah (US$7,376) on average, while companies with fewer than 100 employees paid their staff 58,303,426 rupiah (US$6,180).

According to AMI-Partners, a surge in the number of SMBs in Indonesia and a rise in the overall economy have prompted more SMBs to consider hiring more people. This will help relieve pressure on an otherwise high unemployment rate in Indonesia, the research firm said.

Compared to the rest of the region, the ZDNet Asia survey revealed that Indonesia's IT professionals had the lowest average annual salary in U.S. dollars, at 69,714,408 rupiah (US$7,389).

IT Salary Benchmark Survey 2008
ZDNet Asia conducted an online survey between late-2007 and early-2008 to gain insights into Asia's IT workforce and salary trends. It drew 21,635 respondents from sectors such as government, healthcare, IT, services, telecommunications, legal and finance, and across seven Asian economies: Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

Some 3,267 respondents were polled from Indonesia, of which almost half were employed in small companies which had 99 or fewer employees.

Average Annual Salary by Industry

Job Function Industry
Government Education and Health IT, Web & Telecom Legal and Finance Media, Marketing and Sales (non-IT) Manufac-
turing, Services and Others (non-IT)
IT Management IDR 94,563,582 IDR 154,673,844 IDR 156,615,412 IDR 113,919,647 IDR
IDR 137,312,025
Project management IDR 54,464,129 IDR 81,459,429 IDR 87,724,761 IDR 45,680,876 IDR
IDR 77,588,745
Systems Development IDR 51,752,073 IDR 41,175,231 IDR 49,289,520 IDR 38,459,063 IDR
IDR 43,479,653
Communications IDR 31,784,953 IDR 63,625,329 IDR 44,455,458 IDR 51,144,279 IDR
IDR 65,354,143
Support IDR 22,050,274 IDR 41,168,653 IDR 29,533,280 IDR 26,639,319 IDR
IDR 40,554,941
Other IT Professionals IDR 23,704,479 IDR 74,210,088 IDR 36,340,200 IDR 99,163,413 IDR
IDR 69,083,635
Overall IDR 51,612,309 IDR 67,543,437 IDR 80,849,908 IDR 61,942,070 IDR
IDR 69,714,408

Average Annual Salary of the Top Five IT Skills

% of RespondentsIT SkillsAverage Annual Salary
53.6%Application DevelopmentIDR 72,252,511
40.0%Desktops/ SoftwareIDR 67,811,631
37.2%Servers/NetworkingIDR 74,042,810
36.6%Database ManagementIDR 73,800,635
34.8%System AdministrationIDR 78,606,878

Average Annual Salary by Job Function and Employment Status

Job FunctionEmployment Status
IT ManagementIDR 158,349,673IDR 136,397,345IDR 137,312,025
Project managementIDR 84,567,615IDR 76,836,478IDR 77,588,745
Systems DevelopmentIDR 28,433,583IDR 45,204,176IDR 43,479,653
CommunicationsIDR 18,970,251IDR 67,803,996IDR 65,354,143
SupportIDR 45,907,007IDR 40,117,442IDR 40,554,941
Other IT ProfessionalsIDR 97,628,123IDR 65,774,129IDR 69,083,635
OverallIDR 60,830,400IDR 70,527,712IDR 69,714,408


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